THESEUS e-learning

e-learning for ports

The THESEUS e-learning system is designed for staff training and education in port infrastructures.

The focus lies on ISPS online education for port security. All content is tailor-made to the requirements of the port facility including pictures and documents.

Advantages of ISPS e-learning

ISPS compliant quarterly training in 60 minutes per year

Compliant with Designated Authority and accepted by EU Commission control in 2019

Up to 75% cost reduction compared to classroom training

Tailor-made education content of the facility

Distinguished data protection

Functions of the learning system

Optimal education through various functions

Choose from a multitude of functions and modules the optimal combination for your staff training.

The modular structure of the system allows for its adaption based on your requirements.

Procedure of the learning system setup

3 steps of an e-learning setup

We take care of the tailor-made setup of the learning management system.

Realization of the learning content with photo gallery

Setup of the e-learning system and administration structure (internet or intranet)

Start of the staff education

Considerable advantages with e-learning

You save time and money

The advantage of e-learning allows for staff education independent from time and space leading to a large reduction of administration efforts compared to classroom training.

The tailor-made content of the learning system additionally increased the learning success and the satisfaction of the trainees.

Data protection in focus

Data protected online education

The Theseus learning management system is solely operated in Germany in compliance with European data protection standards.

The tailor made structure of the learn management system also allows to be operated without any personal data at all.

Apply THESEUS for further training content


Data protection / IT Security

Staff education

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